Small scale fisherman busy gutting a fish in an open processing area in Namibia | File phot via Flickr
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that over one-third of seafood is lost or wasted while more than 92% of global fisheries are harvested at maximum yield or over-fished. Losses occur at sea from primary processing of the catch and on land from processing in factories. Much of this can go toward production of fishmeal or fish oil. Around 25-35% of fishmeal production currently comes from by-products of seafood processing with demand increasing to meet the needs of the expanding aquaculture sector. Additionally, high value products can be developed from, for example, skins and livers.
Read the full article here: https://theprint.in/economy/namibia-is-building-a-blue-economy-turning-fish-waste-into-high-value-pr